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Alex Morrow 1st Round TKO

Alex Morrow 69kg W1L1 vs Dion Chinyere 69kg debut. Alex Morrow taking the fight on 24 hrs notice earns a first round stoppage. His opponent failed to come out for the 2nd round due to a damaged left eye and injured right rib caused by the combination of strong right hands and left hooks from Alex. Alex was the clubs first boxer to fight for the newly taken over Kingscote Boxing Gym. Coach Ed said "This was the first corner i've officially ever done and I did it as the head trainer. Winny was my second and it was like we'd been doing it for years. We've been around hundreds of shows and worked with so many different boxers in the gym and at shows, so we knew exactly what to expect. I've just completed my Level 2 ABA course and Winny just finished his Level 1. We're looking to get the fighters out as often as possible. Our fighters are always ready. Alex has been in the gym and just the other night we give him an absolutely brutal session. We were making him do bur-pees during his rest and making him do press ups in between rounds. If we knew he was fighting tonight he would have been tapering off and just getting sharp but with 24hrs notice we couldn't plan for that. As soon as I rang Alex he wanted the fight straight away. After a good 1st round Alex came back to the corner and I was giving him some instructions when Alex started to look round me. I was like what are you looking at. I turned around and Alex's opponent was taking his gloves off. I was like well that was an easy win. Alex showed that combinations will eventually catch up to skill full fighters and this one just happened to quit". Coach Winston said "I asked the opponent after the fight why he quit. His reply was 'I got hit in the eye and my rib was hurting, why should I carry on, my safety comes first'. Alex boxed very well and I was impressed with his combination punching. The opponent was tricky to hit with the first 1 or 2 punches but Alex kept punching and started landing with the 3rd 4th and 5th punches".

Also featuring on the show was very experienced Jack Mckinlay who fought Yousef Shaied. Mckinlay winning on pints in what was a very close fight. Mckinlay felt abit sluggish after making the weight but still managed to knock his opponent down even though it wasn't given as knockdown. Mckinlay kept the pressure on to take the win on points.

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